Exercises for Herniated Disc

Exercises for herniated disc can be very helpful at relieving pain, helping the injury heal, and preventing future injuries to the area.

When considering exercises for a herniated disc, focus on stretches and things that will loosen tense muscles surrounding the area, giving the injury room to heal. These exercises should also increase blood flow, which will help encourage the healing process. Here are a few techniques you may want to try:

  • Lie on the ground with your arms out. Bring your right leg up and over your left, placing the side of your knee on the ground. Your leg should be bent, and together they should resemble the shape of the number 4. Hold this position for several seconds, then release and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Try sitting in a chair and bending forward as far as you can to touch the ground. This will help stretch the muscles in your lower back and relieve tension you may be carrying there. Hold the position for several seconds, release and repeat at least once.
  • If your herniated disc is in the upper portion of your spinal column, try rolling your shoulders in a circular motion forward for 10 revolutions and backward for 10 revolutions.
  • You can also roll your neck clockwise slowly, then counterclockwise to fully stretch all the muscles located there.
  • Try these last couple of tips in a hot shower so that you can achieve maximum relief from them with the added, relaxing, benefit of hot water.

You can also try low impact exercises like walking or swimming to get your blood pumping, promote healing and build strong core muscles that will prevent future herniated discs from occurring. Regular exercise will also help reduce your stress levels and help lessen any stress induced pain you may be experiencing.

Yoga is another helpful exercise that can minimize pain from a herniated disc, help your body heal and prevent injuries to your back down the road. You can either get a video or find someplace to take a class.

The Healthy Back Institute provides a wide range of DVDs and books to help you learn the proper exercises to maintain a healthy back. Visit losethebackpain.com to browse their selection of helpful resources.

There are other natural methods besides exercises that can help you relieve a herniated disc. One is heat therapy. It can help to relax the area surrounding the damaged disc, to prevent unnecessary pressure from being placed on the area, allowing the disc to heal. The Healthy Back Institute offers the latest technology in heat therapy relief. Their infrared heating pads are the most effective way to relieve back and neck pain, and can relieve your pain quickly.

You can also try massage therapy. The technique will help increase blood flow to the area, which will speed up the healing process, and will help you to relax and stay relaxed long after the massage is over. This will keep stress at bay for an extended period, and prevent those muscles from tensing up immediately.

For more information on exercises for herniated disc, and other tips and tricks for relieving your back pain, visit losethebackpain.com today.

Filed Under: Herniated Disc
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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