By Herb Borkland, Health Writer
Tired all the time? Hate to get out of bed in the morning? Need to jumpstart yourself with coffee, Red Bull, salty or sugary snacks? Do you only feel at your best after 6 PM?
Your problem may be what is being called “Adrenal Fatigue” (AF). You look and act like the same old you and show no symptoms of physical illness, yet you go through the day feeling “gray,” tired or unwell. Sleeping doesn’t seem to
AF affects an estimated 80% of people who live in industrialized countries. It threatens anybody who experiences ongoing or intense emotional or physical stress. AF also contributes to health problems ranging from allergies to obesity.
Mainstream medicine hushes up the adrenal fatigue story. Could you or someone you know be suffering from the syndrome your MD does not want to talk about?
Click here to watch the video and read the true story behind this elusive illness.