Childhood Fibromyalgia

It is no surprise that children today will face many challenges; pressure to be socially accepted, pressure to be smarter and more successful. These children are also facing health related challenges. You would be surprised to learn that many children also suffer from chronic pain known as childhood or juvenile fibromyalgia.

Childhood fibromyalgia typically occurs during the puberty years, around 10-15 years old. It is more common amongst teenage girls but boys can also struggle with this condition. Fibromyalgia, in both adults and children, is one of the more difficult conditions to treat. Unlike a herniated disc, or scoliosis, the source of pain is not always clearly defined.

Symptoms of Childhood Fibromyalgia

There are a few things to look for when diagnosing this condition. Children with fibromyalgia will complain of ongoing or chronic pain, muscle soreness and fatigue. One warning sign may also be a lack of quality sleep due to pain or discomfort. As our bodies change during the puberty years, some pain and change in sleep patterns can occur. If you believe that your child may be experiencing fibromyalgia, consult your family physician. As with any condition, early diagnosis will give you the best shot at effective treatment.

Treatment for Childhood Fibromyalgia

Treating childhood fibromyalgia with a well rounded plan is most recommended. The first thing you can do is talk about it with your child and the rest of the family. If you are your family are making poor health and lifestyle choices, it is vital that everyone is on board with necessary changes.

Treatment plans for childhood fibromyalgia usually include things like modified exercise plans, diet and nutrition changes, physical therapy, counseling, and changes to the environment. Medication is sometimes recommended but as always, should be considered after other non medication options have been exhausted. You can also look into natural sleep aids to help make sure your child gets a good night sleep.

There is no shortage of controversy when it comes to fibromyalgia. One thing that cannot be questioned is the mind-body-pain connection. If your child is suffering from anxiety, depression, or self esteem issues, there is a good chance their emotions are contributing to their pain on some level. Remember, children feed off of the energy in the house. So, if you are stressed, they are stressed. Try your best to put a smile on your face, even if you have to fake it once and a while.

It is also important that you as the parent seek help from a support group. You can communicate with other parents that are experiencing the same issues. If there are no local groups in your area, look online for forums or chat groups.




Filed Under: Fibromyalgia
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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