And the BEST Workout if You Don’t Have Time … Or Motivation!

Burn calories fast with these 10 Best Calorie Burning Exercises
The formula for losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. The best calorie burning exercises are heart-pumping, sweat-producing, and the most efficient at inducing weight-loss.
With so many choices when it comes to exercise, you might have a hard time deciding which type of exercises and activities you should take on to reach your fitness goals.
If your goal is to burn calories and get in great shape, ultimately the best calorie burning exercises may be the ones you enjoy and the ones you’ll work hardest at.
BUT … what if you “don’t have time to workout” … or none of these 10 activities below appeal to you … or you lack the motivation to KEEP working out? Then don’t miss “The #1 Best Calorie Burning Workout … If You Don’t Have Enough Time OR Motivation!” toward the end!
When you exercise vigorously you get a bonus for your hard work. Recent studies show with the best calorie burning exercises you will continue to burn extra calories long after you’ve finished working out.
This is in addition to the calories used during the exercise. That’s why my pick of the best calorie burning exercises all give you more bang for your buck.
Do one exercise, or a combination of many. Workout regularly with the best calorie burning exercises and watch the weight fall off.
Top 10 Best Calorie Burning Exercises
#1: Biking
Hit the biking trail. Burn up to 700 calories at your average cycling class or take to the open road and enjoy the fresh air. Keep a pace of about 14 to 16 miles per hour to obtain the 700-calorie goal.
Incorporate biking into your daily life by riding to and from work or when running errands. You will increase your endurance while burning lots of calories by using leg power you wouldn’t normally use.
#2: Jumping Rope
Burn up to 360 calories per half hour jumping rope. It’s one of the most intense and thorough aerobic workouts available. You’ll add bone mass and increase your bone health, while you lose fat.
Even if you only have ten minutes you can still burn 130 calories jumping rope. That’s 780 calories per hour. If you have limited space and time, jumping rope is a very efficient way to get results.
#3: Aerobic Step Classes
Take an aerobic step class. Step is easy to learn if you start with a beginner class or video. The high-intensity and high-impact exercise means you’ll burn both fat and calories.
The higher you step the more calories you will burn. A six-inch platform can help you burn up to 600 calories in one hour-long class. Increase the energy in your aerobic steps even more by adding risers.
#4: Running
Run. It is one of the fastest ways to burn fat and reduce inches. If you run a 10-minute mile for one hour you can burn up to 650 calories. If running consistently for an hour is too much there are other options.
Try doing some form of interval training. Run for three minutes then walk briskly for one minute. This practice will increase your endurance, lower your heart-rate recovery time, and burn fat.
#5: Swimming
Swim for a full body workout. The more body parts you involve in your workout, the more calories you’ll burn. Spend 30 minutes doing the breaststroke and you can burn almost 400 calories.
Swim to tone up your body with nearly a complete lack of impact on your joints. Your joints are fully supported so you don’t have to worry about high-impact injuries. What an amazing health benefit.
#6: Martial arts
Practice karate, judo, tae kwon do or any other martial art, and you can’t go wrong. This type of activity keeps you moving quickly and in a variety of ways so it’s sure to help tone you up.
Kickboxing offers a great full-body workout because it requires you to use every major muscle group and includes interval training. You can burn up to 800 calories in one hour-long class.
#7: Jogging
Try jogging. A simple trot over a period of time will help you tone up and strengthen your core muscles.
The key is to jog for a significant distance, so don’t burn yourself out by starting at a pace you can’t keep up. Jogging at 5mph can burn 584 calories.
#8: Dancing
Go dancing. When you are enjoy something, you tend to push yourself just a little bit more making you burn more calories than an exercise you would do just for the sake of exercise.
Zumba dancing can burn 500 or more calories per hour. This Latin-inspired dance uses the principles of interval training and resistance exercise, boosting your metabolism considerably throughout your workout.
#9: Recreational Sports
Do you enjoy recreational sports? A game of soccer can burn 900 to 1,400 calories per hour. Football can burn 600 to 900 calories per hour. The running and quick changes in direction can help you tone up and drop pounds.
Pull out your racquet. Tennis can burn 600 to 900 calories per hour while racquetball can burn up to 420 calories in just a half hour of play.
Ice skating is a superb workout alone, but add the quick changes and rapid moves of a game of ice hockey and you can burn 650 to 900 calories per hour.
#10: Exercise Machines
Do you prefer indoor exercises? If so, keep in mind that the treadmill burns the most calories of any of the cardiovascular machines found at most gyms. A 145-pound person running 5 mph burns 718 calories an hour at 5 degree incline.
Check out the elliptical trainer and the rowing machine. Both have different levels of resistance that allow anyone to get a challenging workout. A 145-lb person can burn up to 300 calories in 30 minutes.
Interval Training Beats Boredom and Burns Calories
Your best option for a good exercise plan includes variety and activities that provide a good, steady calorie burn. For this reason, many fitness professionals choose interval training workouts.
You can easily burn up to 400 calories per half hour with interval training that varies in length from exercise to exercise. Start with intervals of an exercise at one level of intensity for a few minutes, followed by a few minutes at a different intensity. Continue to switch back and forth.
Try combining types of exercise intervals. Mix in cardio segments with weight training and/or plyometrics. The average interval training session can burn anywhere from 700 to 900 calories per hour.
You can achieve optimal health and fitness. Your workout does not have to be long and boring. If you can find a few minutes to spare each day you can burn calories, improve your health, and reach your goal.
The #1 Best Calorie Burning Exercise … IF You “Don’t Have Enough Time” or You Lack Motivation…
As a former fitness trainer myself, I know that many people start exercising when they become discouraged with their current fitness level or the way their body looks. They’ll join a health club with good intentions or read an article like this looking for an answer to their fitness goals.
And out of all of them, I’d estimate half never get started… and half of those who actually begin exercising quit within the first month.
I’ve just given you ten of the best calorie burning exercises I know, but let’s face it, if you never get started you’re not going to lose weight or get any more fit, are you?
If you already think you don’t have the time, or know deep down in your gut that you’re just going to make an excuse instead of exercising, you may never get started.
Maybe you get bored easily. Or don’t want to spend big bucks for an expensive gym membership. Or really don’t want to spend an hour exercising every day.
But do you have just four minutes?
What if you could start exercising right after pushing the brew button on your coffee maker each morning and finish your workout long before your first morning cup of coffee?
Or how would you like to fit your entire workout into the commercial break between your favorite television shows?
That’s what you get with the workout Men’s Fitness Magazine called “The World’s Fastest Workout.” I call it the No Excuse Workout, because anyone can find just 4 minutes a day to burn calories, drop fat, and feel great about themselves again.
Which is also why I call The No Excuse Workout the #1 Best Calorie Burning Exercise. Because as you know, the best calorie burning exercise is the one you’ll actually do…
Discover More about The No Excuse Workout:
You left out X-country skiing! An intense ski session burns more than any of the above exercises.
Thank you! I have got many useful articles here about Exercise and back pain cure.