I first saw the fun and benefit of this when my good friend Duane Black solved the equation on two flipcharts in front of a grateful gathering of leaders.

Always choose to add something for positive results
Here it is: When you are positive (picturing the math sign: +), you add something to any conversation or meeting you are in. That’s what being positive does, it adds.
When you are negative (-) you subtract (-) something from the conversation, the meeting or the relationship you are in. If you are negative enough times, you subtract so much from the relationship that there is no more relationship. It’s simple math. It’s the law of the universe up there on the flip chart of life: positive adds, negative subtracts.
As in math, when you add a negative it diminishes the total. Add a negative person to the team, and the morale and spirit (and, therefore, productivity and profit) of the team is diminished. Add a positive person, and you’ve just added life to your team, your organization, your life.
Comments from Jesse:
Have you considered the impact your personal outlook has on your battle against pain?
One of the key seven questions Steve Hefferon and I use to help those who want to become pain free is this: Do you believe that you can get better? Inside your answer lies your likelihood of making progress.
A yes doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be pain free overnight. But if, deep down, you don’t believe you can get better you’ll never put forth the effort needed to get better. It’s all about adding to your effort with a positive attitude rather than letting a negative attitude drag you to defeat before you ever get started.
I’ll leave you with a final quote of sound wisdom to consider:
“Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.”
~ Henry Ford
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