Back Muscle Injury

There might not be anything more painful than a serious back muscle injury. It can be very frustrating, leaving you hoping for some answers. The answers, however, are not always so simple. There are many reasons why back muscle injuries can occur. The more knowledge you have about why the injury occurred the more likely you are to be able to treat it properly.

Although it is fairly obvious, back muscle injuries can occur with any type of sudden impact. Vehicular accidents are responsible for a large portion of back and neck muscle injuries. Similarly, sports can lead to back injuries, from minor to severe. It is important to realize that not just impact sports cause back injuries. Something as simple as running can bring upon problems with the legs and back. The repetitive motion of sports is often responsible for things like stress fractures, muscle strains, disc wear and tear, etc. Weightlifters, whom happen to be in great shape, often get back pain from over training.

If you can rule out trauma from a sport or accident it is likely that your injury stems from one of the other common causes. Educating yourself is the first and most important step but realize that only proper testing can determine which specific condition you have. Schedule an appointment to see a doctor if your pain lasts more than 48 hrs, or if it is too severe. Simple tests like X-rays can determine whether or not you have more serious conditions that require medical attention.

Muscle strains occur when the muscle fibers are abnormally stretched or torn. A sprain occurs when the ligaments are torn. It is difficult to distinguish a muscle strain from a muscle sprain without the help of a medical professional.

Other types of back muscle “injuries” include bulging or herniated discs. To learn more about herniated discs, please visit the herniated disc section of our website.

Why Are Back Muscle Injuries so Common

The spinal column and back muscles are involved in nearly every movement the body makes, from the head to the toes. This complex system of muscles, discs, and ligaments is a vital part of everyday activity. It is no wonder why so many people suffer from back muscle injuries, especially those that don’t take care of their body. If you are guilty of this, it is not too late to start taking care of your back. Regular exercise / stretching, a healthy diet and proper posture can go a long way in healing injuries and preventing more injury in the future.


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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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