Heal-n-Soothe Reviews: What Our Customers Say

Does Heal-n-Soothe® work? Just ask one of our many satisfied customers. Read Heal-n-Soothe® reviews from people who’ve tried it and achieved results.

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Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

More Heal-n-Soothe® customer reviews:

“Since January I have been on a quest to feel better and have a healthier lifestyle. I am 56 years old with no systemic disease thankfully. However, I have been dealing with musculoskeletal pain and tendonitis from 36 years in my profession as a practicing dental hygienist and losing the arch in my right foot. I have taken action to improve my diet, lose weight (17 lbs.) and address my discomfort. Limiting foods linked to inflammation and establishing a walking/jogging routine have helped me so much!

I chose to try Heal & Soothe because the product makes sense to me. I had been taking ibuprofen 4-5 out of 7 nights before bed in order to sleep pain-free, but knew that was not a good long term practice! I started using Heal-n-Soothe on April 17th and felt improvement right away! I was not expecting that having read all the materials sent to me and understanding the “loading dose” concept. Perhaps I do not have as much fibrin build up as others. I have been taking 3 capsules every morning and 3 capsules at night since Day#3 and HAVE NOT NEEDED ANY IBUPROFEN since then!

My localized discomfort is managed with compression supports and massage. I have ordered the topical pain reliever Rub On Relief to further help. Overall, I feel much better and expect more improvement as I continue with Heal-n-Soothe!

I passed this info onto my Dad who suffers with osteoarthritis pain. He will be trying Heal-n-Soothe too! I am on my way to a healthier and pain free life! Thank you!”

Kimberly Jurkowski (Monson, MA)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I had abdominal surgery go wrong. After I was released from Hospital I collapsed at home and was in toxic shock dying from a virulent super bug they had no cure for. I was hospitalized for three months before I finally went home. I have been a chronic pain patient ever since as the super bug interfered with my healing. I have nerves trapped between the fascia and muscle tissues and every movement creates enormous pain.
I live on opioids to cope with the pain and prescribed injections when the pain is over the top.

I found the Heal-n-Soothe to be very relaxing for my body. Whilst my prescribed medication did not drop, I could feel the difference in my body. It was more relaxed and therefore less painful for me.

I could cope with doing exercises I had seen on the internet that were from a standing position. I could not do that before, it would have meant I would have been injecting because of the extra movement. So Heal-n-Soothe has been a great relief for me.

Thank you to the Healthy Back Institute and Jesse for your wonderful support.

– Lorraine Carter (New Zealand)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“Heal-n-Soothe® along with the Super Joint Support has done a great deal for my lower back pain. Now I can work better and longer without pain. My job requires about 8 hours daily sitting… with a little bit of stretching and these supplements, I now I love my job again!”

– Azucena Soto (Soto, Florida)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I have been taking Heal-n-Soothe® for over a month and I am starting to feel less pain!!!! It is definitely working I highly recommend this to anyone with arthritis pain!!!

– Karen Mackey (Gloucester, MA)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“Dear Jesse Cannone, I LOVE your Heal-n-Soothe®! Heal-n-Soothe® is amazing and I take it every day… It is amazing for my fibro and my arthritis, and my chronic pain. I am a senior citizen. I am looking forward to reading your book. Thank you for your great customer service people and your wonderful discounts!”

– Mrs. Coleman (Chesapeake, Va.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I’ve been with degenerative disc back pain for over 20 years. In the last few years, it is now in my neck and jaws. With the Heal-n-Soothe®, Rub on Relief and the Electro Cleanse, I now have my “pain” at a tolerable level that I can do things I haven’t done in years – walking, standing, and sitting for long periods of time. Thank you!”

– Carla Ward-Royer (Aiken, S.C.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I have had two major spinal operations. The first fusion did not work and the second, 6 bolts and plates were used to support my spine. The alignment could not be corrected so the pain could not be relieved but at least the bones could not continue to shift apart. The bone graft only took on the one side. Now, 20 years later, I can still walk but my pain level has increased greatly. Your Heal-n-Soothe® is one of the very few products I’ve used over the years, that gives me the most relief from a lifetime of back pain. Thank you!”

– Julie Taylor

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I took 2 capsules before bedtime. The effect was quite fast, I can feel the warm around my body. The next day, both my knees and body are not so tired. I do not have pains except when occasionally when I overworked by too much walking or carrying more things than I feel the strained.  Since then I have been taking 2 capsules in the morning or afternoon before foods and 2 capsules in the night before bedtime. The warm feelings are still there after I have taken.  I am grateful to Jesse Cannone for introducing this product to me. It works great for me and I will not hesitate to introduce to my elderly friends who may need them.”

– Amala Chew (Singapore)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“…I have been taking Heal-n-Soothe® for several months now and my joint pain has been gone for quite some time. I can now sleep good at night and turn from side to side. My flexibility has not fully improved and I cannot spread my legs any better unless I do lots of physical movements. I am nearly pain-free. If for some reason I do get pain, I can easily increase my dose by one or two pills a day.  I have been plagued with joint pain for many years and always thought I would end up with hip replacements… and here I am having to get the replacement. As you know this procedure requires several years of follow up with doctors to get in stream. Through this hip replacement process, my doctors  could not understand why I was not in terrible pain… compared to other patients that cry a lot for not as bad joint condition! I have no doubt in my mind that my pain control is due to your Heal-n-Soothe® pills and cream.”

– Andre Thibert (Ontario, Canada)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I suffer pain from middle back, neck, shoulders, and ankle pain from a prior break… Strong prescribed medication for this. About 2 months ago decided I wanted to get rid of prescription medication. Your emails kept popping into my inbox, so decided to give your Heal-n-Soothe® a try. For a month now I’ve been prescription drug-free. Thank you for being out there for me with this alternative way of dealing with pain.”

– Brenda Wing (Australia)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I found Heal-n-Soothe® on the net and decided to give it a try. It has been the only thing that has given me relief from the agonizing pain I have been enduring.  I would recommend Heal-n-Soothe® to anyone who has arthritic pain of any kind. Like anything you have to be committed to taking it as prescribed to get the full benefits from your pain.”

– Cheryl Cook (Australia)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I love what Heal-n-Soothe® has done for me. The pain, or lack of pain is amazing. My energy level is through the roof, considering I’m 62 years old. I sleep better. My psoriasis is actually clearing up. Amazing! Unbelievable! I recently ordered 6 bottles of Heal-n-Soothe®. Don’t want to be without it. I will continue to order when funds are available. Thanks so much for this wonderful product.”

– Diane Seymour (Dover, Del.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I am retired now, but still work in the bush and on my brothers farm. For the last year or so, I have not been able to do as much because of so much pain. I started Heal-n-Soothe® at six a day for a week, am down to three a day. It’s like a wish come true. I put in a ten hour days at the farm “WITHOUT a whole lot of PAIN”. This stuff really works. I’m not saying that I am pain free, but I will say that I am able to do most all the things that I used to do. I am hoping that this new less pain will last and last and last. Thanks, Jesse, and God Bless!”

– Gerard Belanger (Canada)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I was able to take 9 capsules per day. Here is the miracle news – I am on holiday right now and decided to test my body. Yesterday I walked for an hour along the shoreline (and was fully capable of doing it) and walked all over the resort for a total of 15,000 steps. Normally my muscles would have seized after a yoga class and a little bit of shopping – they did not seize yesterday and today I am pain-free and ready for another long walk! I am even able to climb up stairs without heaviness. I cannot believe it. I cannot thank you enough.”

– Susan Prosser (Ottawa Canada)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“Jesse, I have delayed writing to you because I wanted to be sure that this was not the latest of many medical disappointments in my hunt for relief from pain… Finally, it was time to break out the Heal-n-Soothe®. I did the three caps A.M and three caps P.M but… nothing remarkable. Then, I came across one of your letters that said if your pain is below the waist or knees then take more. In my case it is L4 and L5 from a sailing accident 50 years ago and Osteoarthritis of both knees. At this point, I went from 6 caps daily to 8 caps. And was careful at this point to set the alarm on my phone between food intake in order to get the fullest possible pain relief. I can’t tell you how much better I feel. The pain is 50% less and I’m thinking I might be able to go to a movie. In the past that was too painful to sit for two plus hours. I gave a new bottle to a friend who is living on social security like me and hard pressed and we are both excited. I hope she experiences what I have. I also take the Super Joint Support and Rub on Relief. Thank you for your sweat and tears and these fine products. If I wasn’t 85 years old I would wear a sandwich board and walk the streets of Scottsdale singing praises of “Heal-n-Soothe®“! Keep up the good work.”

– Melba Holland (Scottsdale, Ariz.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I am 71 and have been taking Heal-n-Soothe® for about a year now for lower back pain that I had suffered with for several years. It has worked wonderfully for me and I recommend it to others. I used to not be able to stand or walk slowly for more than five minutes without strong pain at the base of my spine, which was relieved only by sitting down. I started taking three-pills per day and within two weeks had a noticeable improvement. After about a month the problem was almost completely gone! When for various reasons I did not take my pills for a few days the pain began to come back, although not as severe as before. The idea it may also help stave off Alzheimer’s is an added bonus that if true would move it into the category of a miracle drug!”

– John Wineke (Verona, Wisc.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

“I have had back pain off and on for years – I’m very active, I do bootcamp, run etc.  However, I broke my ankle end of December and was in a boot for 6 weeks, which put my right side out of h with the left causing increased back and leg pain inside of the broken ankle. I have been doing PT which is a slow process. Tried the Heal-n-Soothe® pills and Rub on Relief for a little over 2 weeks and have noticed a significant reduction in pain levels – especially in the morning when things are usually tight. I have been taking 3 at night. I can’t come up with another explanation for this significant change lately. I have been pain free in both back and leg.”

– James Dillon (Danvers, Mass.)

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary.

About Heal-n-Soothe®:

Heal-n-Soothe® is a combination of powerful ingredients that quickly eases joint and back discomfort throughout the entire body.

The secret is the formula’s incredible systemic enzymes. These enzymes found in Mother Nature do much more than providing relief from joint and back discomfort.

This product:

  • Promotes natural healing and faster muscle recovery
  • Reduces back, joint and muscle discomfort
  • Promotes faster muscle recovery response
  • Supports healthy inflammatory response
  • Supports healthy circulation and healthy immune response
  • Supports healthy digestion
  • Is 100% safe, with natural ingredients scientifically proven to work
  • Has a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Each bottle contains 90 vegetarian capsules

Heal-n-Soothe® is the strongest and highest potency proteolytic enzyme formulation available, and it is the only natural Systemic Proteolytic Enzyme formulation available with no dangerous fillers or preservatives.

Made with Mother Nature’s Own Natural Ingredients

Proteolytic Systemic Enzymes

Research indicates these enzymes work throughout your entire body to help it balance inflammation, break down scar tissue, cleanse the blood and also boost cardiovascular, respiratory and immune function.


This special natural compound, which is extracted from pineapple, contains several proteolytic enzymes that have been shown to short-circuit multiple pain pathways in the body.

It has been studied extensively since its discovery in 1957 and hundreds of studies have shown it to reduce inflammation, reduce and prevent swelling and remove waste and toxins from the blood.

Turmeric Extract

This extract is taken from the dried root of the plant and it has been used to treat a wide range of ailments for thousands of years.

Studies have shown it balances inflammation by blocking both the COX-2 and 5-LOX enzymes which create pain. In addition, Turmeric’s antioxidant powers work to seek out and destroy free radicals in the body which contribute to pain and swelling.


This contains a wide range of proteolytic enzymes and works by breaking down proteins. In studies, it has been shown to be effective for numerous health concerns. Papain has also been shown to support the immune system.

Boswellia Extract

One of the most widely used herbs in Indian medicine, it has been used for centuries by traditional Indian healers for pain and inflammation. Hundreds of studies prove its effectiveness and also supports healthy blood circulation.


Found naturally in a variety of plants and fruits, this flavanoid has been shown to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect due to its powerful anti-oxidant activity.

Mojave Yucca Root

This root contains yuccaols and resveratrol which have been studied to potentially balance inflammation. Additionally, yucca may have antioxidant activity. Yucca may be beneficial for anti-inflammatory support, immune support, as well as digestive support.

Ginger Extract

Used for over 2,500 years in Asia, Ginger has been used to treat nausea and to reduce pain and inflammation. It works by decreasing prostaglandins, which cause you to feel pain.

Devil’s Claw

Another time-tested natural pain reducer, Devil’s Claw has been used for hundreds if not thousands of years in Africa. Numerous studies have proven its effectiveness in reducing pain and balancing inflammation.

Citrus Bioflavonoids

These nutrients aid in the absorption of vitamins and act as important anti-oxidants. Citrus Bioflavonoids inhibit collagenase and elastase, the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of connective tissue. In addition to protecting connective tissues, they also protect against free radical damage.

Ready to try Heal-n-Soothe®? Claim your free trial right here.

Please Note: Persons who suffer from medical conditions or who are taking medications should consult their physician prior to taking this product. This product may thin the blood and may not be appropriate for all persons. Do not take this product if you know or suspect that you are allergic to pineapple, papaya, or any ingredients in this product. As with all dietary supplements, those who are pregnant or nursing should consult their physician prior to taking this product.

If you are pregnant, lactating, a hemophiliac, have an ulcer, are taking blood thinners or anti-coagulants, do not take Heal-n-Soothe without the supervision of your doctor or healthcare provider. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery.
*The statements made regarding this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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