Are There Really Safe Herniated Disc Exercises?

What is a Herniated Disc?
Having a herniated disc may cause you discomfort but it should not make you feel like it is the end of the world. A herniated disc is something that happens when the disc between the vertebrae in the spinal column is damaged. The spinal column is a very important part of your body. It is what helps you to sit, stand, walk and exercise. The spinal column has thirty-thee bones or vertebrae that are held together by circular discs. These discs are also called joints. The discs are very small and offer cushion to the bones so that you can stretch and bend without hurting yourself. These discs are made of cartilage and help the body to absorb the shock that is related to physical activity so that your bones are not affected.

When these discs undergo any sort of deterioration or damage this could lead to a herniated disc. Before the disc gets to this point it will bulge. A bulging disc is classified as one that appears to have an adjoined bubble on the outer portion. The bubble is made of the same material as the disc but it can cause the roots around the disc to become irritated. If the bubble gets to a certain size it will begin to compress nerve roots. If the nerve root has no space to exit because of pressure from the expanded disc, this can cause severe pain that may radiate throughout the back and lower body.

Herniated discs can be caused by injuries and trauma in the spinal area. If you fall down badly, get into an accident or sustain an injury while playing a contact sport, this could be the reason why you develop a herniated disc. People that are elderly are also at risk of this because of the natural degeneration of the discs in the backbone.

Core Stabilization
Regardless of how old you are and what caused your herniated disc there are treatments that can help to relieve your painful symptoms. Symptoms can include sciatica, weakness in the muscles in the back and legs, and difficulty with controlling the bladder. There are safe exercises that can be used to manage the pain caused from a herniated disc. These exercises are mainly targeted toward core stabilization.

Core stabilization is doing exercises that focus on trunk muscles. Your trunk muscles are well suited for supporting the spine. When you are doing activities you will need strong trunk muscles to reduce the pain caused by a herniated disc. Your trunk is the area of your stomach, shoulders, hips, butt, and neck. To work out these muscles, you should do exercises that are mild to moderately difficult. Overexerting your muscles will cause more strain and increase your pain level. Core stabilization is great as a way to prevent your body from sustaining injuries. By increasing your balance, coordination, posture and strength, core stabilization helps your body to minimize pain and stop injuries from occurring.

Filed Under: Herniated Disc
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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