Imagine walking into the doctor’s office for a routine check up, feeling absolutely fine with yourself and the world… only to be told you suddenly have a “bone disease.”
As you leave, the doctor hands you a prescription for one of the many toxic and often useless bone drugs. And by the time you get to the parking lot, you’re in a state of shock, feeling like you just lost control over your life and your future.
That’s what happened to biochemist and nutrition expert. Vivian Goldschmidt, the day she decided to have a bone density test.
But instead of accepting what felt like a “life sentence,” Vivian Goldschmidt used her extensive training to uncover a goldmine of little-known studies overturning everything mainstream medicine believes to be true about bone loss.
Today, Vivian Goldschmidt, MA lives completely free of osteoporosis… without drugs or even calcium supplements. Listen to this preview of How to Reverse Osteoporosis Naturally, with Vivian Goldschmidt, MA.
You can listen to this entire program, along with three more hour-long, groundbreaking news and tips from experts on bone health, and natural ways to keep your bones healthy and strong.