Catch hidden issues early with these 6 simple blood tests
By Dr. Karen Vieira
When you leave the doctor’s office do you feel you have more answers? Or more questions?
The problem is doctors just don’t have enough time these days. They race from patient to patient, and you’re lucky to get 10 minutes alone with them in a little exam room before they’re on their way.
It’s almost impossible to expect them to cover all the bases. That’s why the information I’m about to share with you today could save your life.
But first, ask yourself a few questions:
- Do you have trouble losing those few extra pounds?
- Is it hard for you to fall asleep?
- Do you feel tired or depressed all the time?
- Have you lost your sex drive?
Any of these could be the sign of a hidden ticking time bomb… ready to unleash a deadly health disaster in your body.
Those 10 minutes you see your doctor or nurse can spell the difference between catching a lurking health issue early and nipping it in the bud… or leaving it to grow into a silent killer.
Far too often, simple signs are overlooked. As a patient you’re not expected to know what tests to run or which questions to ask.
But you will after you watch this FREE presentation!
So why are these particular blood tests so important? Because the single most important indicator of optimal health is blood work. Sure, you may find out your cholesterol levels or blood sugar levels with the standard tests your doctor runs, but that doesn’t mean you’re safe from serious illness or even a life-threatening condition.
That’s because doctors can miss major problems if they fail to run the right test!
Stop suffering from undiagnosed health problems! Get this one-of-a-kind FREE REPORT giving you exclusive access to one of the world’s premier experts in blood test analysis. Biomedical scientist and bestselling author Dr. Karen Vieira reveals:
- 4 reasons why your blood work may not be accurate… AND how to ensure that it is!
- 6 “red flag” blood tests most doctors ignore… AND why you should demand them!
- 10 simple weight-loss blood tests… AND what to do if they are out-of-range (poor results can KILL your weight loss!)
- 3 reasons why you really must understand your results!
Get the answers you deserve! You will be shocked and stunned – yet empowered with the resources to seek out the keys to a long and healthy future- when you watch Dr. Vieira’s free presentation, “How A Blood Test Can Save Your Life.”
About the author: Dr. Vieira received her Ph. D. in biomedical science from the University Of Florida College Of Medicine and MS in management from the UF MBA program. As a trained alternative and complementary medical expert, Vieira is passionate about healthy eating, healthy living, high-quality supplements, alternative therapies, research related to curing diseases and defines herself as a “life-long student and teacher of living healthy naturally.”
I’m interested in the blood test information…which ones to have and how to read the results. I listened in on the webinar on my school computer and tried to take notes, but there were multiple interruptions (I’m an Asst. Principal). I wanted to maybe order the books but the website was blocked by my district. I tried to forward the information to my home email (above) and it was blocked from letting me forward it. If you could perhaps send the info to my home email, then i could see if my husband agreed to ordering it.
Hi Pam,
Thank you for your comment and query. The link is in the article. You can either click on the link here to watch or copy & paste into your email then click through if that is easier for you.
Thank you