"I’m Nancy a retired teacher age 66 from Oregon. I’ve had pain with most all movement with my upper arms for 10 years. At its worst when I over use my arms, I have between 5 - 9 pain levels. Pain prevented me from even rolling over in bed, or putting on a jacket. Any lateral movement brought awful pain. Some days the pain was systemic and I would feel extreme loss of energy.
Acupuncture worked great for 10 treatments, but one throw of a ball and it was all back to awful again. I tried massage, physical therapy, graston (scraping of the scar tissue) it hurts like hell, but allows for more movement. Results were very slow and very painful. CBD products, internal and external...gave some relief but not enough to continue.
Your Rub on Relief Cream was impressive enough to try your Heal-n-Soothe. That was a major improvement in the first few days! Now I sleep really well and my joy and energy is back. I don’t even know my arms hurt until I really extend them over their limit.
Injury of my neck created a lack of nerve supply to the arms, causing injury when I threw a ball. It never healed and I have continual tendonitis. However, since taking Heal-n-Soothe my pain is down to 2-3.
I am not yet pain free, but when my first bottle of Heal-n-Soothe ran out my arms started hurting again. However, in two days of reintroducing the capsules, they feel so good. What I like most is the possible independence and the arms improving, and actually healing. I have already told others about how Heal-n-Soothe eats up scar tissue. Now I can take my jacket off, lift a shovel, paint and wash the floor on my hands and knees!
I was pulled off my bike yesterday and damaged my knee very badly. I sat on the road waiting for help, as it hurt too much to move it. When I got home I took 6 Heal-n-Soothe and I experienced movement without pain shortly afterwards, just enough to drag the leg without screaming. It took maybe 10 more Heal-n-Soothe and I was actually able to get some quality sleep. I have no swelling today and am so thankful for Heal-n-Soothe!
By: Nancy Dinsmore from Grants Pass, Oregon