"Hi Steve, I never normally buy food supplement products from online advertisements, less still do I write to companies to express my experience of their products. However, I stumbled across your information film whilst watching an unrelated YouTube video a few weeks ago. I have been suffering from arthritis in my fingers for a number of years, so was drawn to the information you were sharing.
I’ve had unsuccessful surgery on one of my fingers, which unfortunately resulted in permanently diminished mobility of that finger. So, as arthritis in my hands has worsened over recent years, I’ve been reluctant to take any surgical route to address the pain, for fear of other fingers being more damaged than they already are. So, I resigned myself to this pain just being an unwelcome (but inescapable) fact of the aging process, or at least my aging process!
Like most people, I guess, when I saw your video, whilst intrigued by the informative content, I was skeptical about the assertions made of the product Heal-n-Soothe and to be honest, the testimonies too. However, unusually for me, I decided to just try it.
I told myself that if there was even a slight chance that this product could reduce the chronic pain I was now experiencing and the unsightly inflammation, it could quite literally be life-changing. The various intricate crafts that I love doing, the decorating projects I had planned for my new home and so much more - I dared to imagine that I could once again enjoy these activities, without having to sacrifice comfort or dexterity.
So I placed an order and I’m now about two weeks into the process of taking two Heal-n-Soothe tablets per day. Two days ago, I was standing in my kitchen and happened to glance down at my hand, admiring the color of nail varnish I’d just applied! It was then that I noticed that the finger joint, which is usually most inflamed, red and hot, was now significantly less swollen, no longer red nor hot. I looked with disbelief and tentatively prodded the joint to see if it was still tender. I was staggered when there was no sensation of pain as I pressed and bent my finger.
As I read back what I’ve written, I’m chuckling because I think I sound like a tv advert- the type I always watch with such skepticism. I typically think they’re stretching the truth, have some hidden agenda, cleverly make assertions that can’t be disproven. Well, I’m doing none of those things. What I’ve described regarding my finger is exactly what happened.
I’m making no assertion about why that dramatic improvement has taken place. Thankfully, it’s not my job to do that! However, what I can and do assert, is that the only change in my routine or and diet has been to take your Heal-n-Soothe supplements for the last two weeks. I can now do my crafting and intricate work. Looking forward, I’m excited as I dare to hope that I’ll experience the ongoing healing of my arthritic pain, something I had genuinely thought was not possible. In closing, I want to say thank you so very much for the hope that your product Heal-n-Soothe has given me an enhanced quality of life. Yours gratefully, Vyv Francis, UK"
By: Vyv Francis, UK