I am a 62 year-old guy in fine general health. Since March of 2004, I have had symptoms that I can only compare to having been kicked in the behind by a mule. That pain in the butt then took off toward my ankle and made standing or walking a living torture. I started with chiropractic, then orthopedic surgeons, then physical therapists, then massage therapy, more orthopods, anti-inflamatories,and lost all hope for ever recovering.Then an internet search took me to your website, and ever skeptical, I was desperate. Less than a week later, I watched your DVD, read the manual, and determined my course of action (still skeptical, of course); Two weeks later, I THOUGHT I was feeling a little better ( maybe a placebo effect). One Month later, my pain had decreased by 50 %. It is now just over two months into the program, and I can honestly, and amazingly, say that I am 98% pain free. I honestly do not believe it, but truth is beauty, as the poet said. Why NO certified practitioner had been able to truly diagnose and isolate the problem, and the CURE, I will never know. What happened in Med School?? You guys at LTBP should be teaching courses in Med school!!! Can't thank you enough. Click here to learn more about the product that was used to get lasting relief.
By: Steven Munk