I started taking the Super Joint Support a week ago but didn't feel much change, I realized I was only doing the one dose. Now that I’m taking both doses…OMG! NO swelling at all! Today, I actually hopped out of bed with no stiffness or pain!!
My left leg is my really bad leg and is still in some pain though much less than before. I'm going to try 3 pills as is recommended and see what happens. If I can take this and not the prescription meds, that would be amazing!!
I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both knees with lots of swelling and I have been miserable, wearing braces and living on a heating pad after work every day. I’ve not been able to go or do anything without severe pain. I’ve been getting quarterly cortisone injections for the pain and swelling, but the results I’m getting from the Super Joint Support pills are so much better than I’ve gotten from the injection!
I pray the results are long-term so I can avoid surgery, but for right now, I'm absolutely happy with how I feel. Today is the first day in almost a year that I actually feel like my old self.
By: Pauline Brown, CA