"I had abdominal surgery go wrong. After I was released from Hospital I collapsed at home and was in toxic shock dying from a virulent super bug they had no cure for. I was hospitalized for three months before I finally went home. I have been a chronic pain patient ever since as the super bug interfered with my healing. I have nerves trapped between the fascia and muscle tissues and every movement creates enormous pain.
I live on opioids to cope with the pain and prescribed injections when the pain is over the top.I found the Heal-n-Soothe to be very relaxing for my body. Whilst my prescribed medication did not drop, I could feel the difference in my body. It was more relaxed and therefore less painful for me.
I could cope with doing exercises I had seen on the internet that were from a standing position. I could not do that before, it would have meant I would have been injecting because of the extra movement. So Heal-n-Soothe has been a great relief for me. Thank you to the Healthy Back Institute and Jesse for your wonderful support."
By: Lorraine Carter from New Zealand