Its too long a story to share here, but suffice to say a rare autoimmune disease struck while I was teaching in China, which resulted in agonizing pain in my legs and feet, and drained my body of energy. I've been under treatment at Cleveland Clinics in FL since 2012, with dozens of tests in various departments. I have never met a doctor who has seen my diagnosis and none know how to treat it, except with very strong drugs meant for other diagnosis. So mainly, I've educated and treated myself, using lots of supplements, herbal remedies and alternative methods.
Having experienced a similar bio bed in China, I knew this biomat would work for me. So I wrote my long story to Jessie and felt so blessed when I won the Dr Clark Full Size Heat Pad that Healthy Back Institute was giving away. I was ecstatic! I've used it nearly every day since it arrived, lying on it for hours at a time and using different temperatures. I can tell you truthfully that the long standing ulcers on both legs-a result of the autoimmune disease-began to heal up during my first week of use. Now they are all healed up.
This saves me going to my vascular doctor to dress the ulcers- in other words, this one healing alone saves me a lot of money! Secondly, I noticed smaller aches and pains disappeared and new ones do not last long. Next, my sleep improved. Then I knew to watch my blood work to detect inward changes not readily detectable. For the first time in months my platelets are now established!! I can walk better and faster, my balance is returning to normal and my hip pain is much lessened. I believe more positive, but subtle changes are and will occur in my body, as I continue to use this highly comfortable and enjoyable warmth from this miracle of combining nature and technology. Thank you again, Healthy Back Institute, for your wonderful gift.
By: Linda Covey Oakland Park, FL