"Since January I have been on a quest to feel better and have a healthier lifestyle. I am 56 years old with no systemic disease thankfully. However, I have been dealing with musculo-skeletal pain and tendonitis from 36 years in my profession as a practicing dental hygienist and losing the arch in my right foot. I have taken action to improve my diet, lose weight (17 lbs.) and address my discomfort. Limiting foods linked to inflammation and establishing a walking/jogging routine have helped me so much!
I chose to try Heal & Soothe because the product makes sense to me. I had been taking ibuprofen 4-5 out of 7 nights before bed in order to sleep pain-free, but knew that was not a good long term practice! I started using Heal-n-Soothe on April 17th and felt improvement right away! I was not expecting that having read all the materials sent to me and understanding the "loading dose" concept. Perhaps I do not have as much fibrin build up as others. I have been taking 3 capsules every morning and 3 capsules at night since Day#3 and HAVE NOT NEEDED ANY IBUPROFEN since then!
My localized discomfort is managed with compression supports and massage. I have ordered the topical pain reliever Rub On Relief to further help. Overall, I feel much better and expect more improvement as I continue with Heal-n-Soothe!
I passed this info onto my Dad who suffers with osteoarthritis pain. He will be trying Heal-n-Soothe too! I am on my way to a healthier and pain free life! Thank you!"
By: Kimberly Jurkowski, Monson MA