"I fell from a ladder. Had serious back pain. Surgery found fractured back bone. After two back surgeries, still lots of pain. Dr said I needed a third. Back fusion, already performed, was possibly compressing nerves. I had been trying different herbs, but never got correct amounts to help. I figured this is guaranteed, what do I have to lose? Not sure how long but herbs, for me, work better than pain meds. I still get pain in same lower back butt area in early am hours. I got ‘Rub on Relief’ and just rub on lower back and cheek. I’m good to go. Amazed at the Relief. During the day, I am still taking Heal n Soothe, but also taking Super Joint Support. Taking both. H-n-S as soon as up, empty stomach. Then later SJS with lunch. Or if I am leaving the house I take SJS, doesn’t matter about eating. And take again as needed during the day. But must take an hour apart.
Almost forgot. Also had two discs rubbing in neck. H-n-S did not stop headaches and spasm in neck. I had fusion there also and asked at the hospital when I could start H-n-S again because this works better for me and no addiction worries. Plus can take as needed. Thank you lose the back pain, I have a good life again."
By: Kim Mensman, Lafayette LA