"I have arthritis with knee and low back pain. Three years ago, I received a new left total knee due to a motor vehicle accident several years before. The swelling and pain were unrelenting. Then last year it was replaced after a recall was issued on the device. Pain and inflammation started all over again with no relief from the Pharmaceuticals given for pain. The new replacement also cause them to break my femur, so I was two and a half months of non weight bearing in a Rehab Facility!
As miracles happen, I ran across the information on Heal-n-Soothe. The whole fibrin story made so much sense to me, so I took the chance and ordered it. Within two days, I knew it was working. No pain, I could walk, what a blessing!
The big mistake was, I ran out of Heal-n-Soothe product as I now take 6 capsules twice a day, morning and afternoon. (I suffered for the week without Heal-n-Soothe) Now I’m on Auto Ship and don’t ever plan to run out. My low back pain has improved and I plan to continue my reading of Jesse’s book "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure".
I pray this makes someones day and changes a life as this has done for me.
Thank you Jesse for the reminder letter to stay ahead of my order of Heal-n-Soothe. Otherwise, I would have been longer than a week without it. You are a blessing to us all. God Bless."
By: Judith Bradley, Utah