Just wanted to letcha know, back in Feb I was on my Harley and crossed some very rough RR tracks, and felt a very sharp pain shoot up my spine. I mean a VERY SHARP pain!
I waited for about a week and finally went to a chiropractor who sent me for x-rays, then went back 2 days later for the results.. He showed me the x-rays, and said, "This is exactly what I was afraid of. You chipped your spine", and showed me where.
After finding you on the search engine, I ordered your Lose The Back Pain DVD and CDs, and it was a GREAT help, but I still endured some much lesser pain. Later you e-mailed me about the IT table, and after reading the customer's testimonials, and your 100% guarantee of satisfaction, or your money back, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I ordered it.
Oh man! U aren’t ever gonna get this back, even if u offer me twice the price. This thing is the next best thing to sliced bread, lemme tell u. I only hang upside down about 1 minute, and INSTANT results, and no more back pain and stiff neck,that I have suffered with for YEARS.
All I can say is, THANK U, THANK U, and THANK U some more.
I have offered to let 3 of my neigbors who have back problems to try it out, for FREE, but they all refused. I just can NOT believe what a dumbded down society we have become. Some ppl still think doctors are their only salvation, while they still suffer their back pain. Oh well...their loss! Click here to learn more about the product she used to get lasting relief.
By: John Stevens