"I purchased the 7-Day Back Pain Cure book a couple of years ago but, sadly, never even opened it as physical therapy made my pain subside to a manageable level. I had a recurrence last week that completely disabled me and after five days I remembered the book, I was getting desperate! I am able to start the exercises after only one day of drinking proper amounts of water and applying heat. I will be following the entire program to its completion this time. I have learned my lesson.
My condition continues to improve as I stick to the plan. It does take a bit of discipline to stay the course when the pain starts to diminish but I am committed to solving
my back issues once and for all this time around.
I have every intention of purchasing Jesse's "Lose The Back Pain System" too.
Thank you for this opportunity to be free from back pain after many years of just getting by and repeated injuries and periods of recovery. I wish I had more copies to give my brothers because I am unwilling to part with mine!”
~ Jeff Winders - Corvallis, Oregon
By: Jeff Winders