"I am Dutch, worked in construction and have had back problems for 25 years. I changed my direction, became a dive instructor and travelled the world, living my dream. The pains haven't ever left, but they were manageable and the warm climates helped too. That is until the effect of the pressure differences of diving (in total 15,000 dives in 30 years) kept me from the water : I had divers arthritis.
When I was 45, the hospital in Ibiza, where I landed for a decompression illness, estimated my bones and joints to be of a man of 75! I moved as an instructor to Mexico in 2007 and during the last 7 years, I live on land again. I got severely depressed and all aches and pains came back to me... I was ready to step out of life.
About 2 years ago, after searching the internet for alternative treatments for depression for some while, I found an ad for Rub On Relief, I got on your mailing list and will stay there for some while...
Since the use of Rub On Relief, the pains are very much less than a long time ago, almost none. After combining the Rub On Relief with Heal-n-Soothe I'm doing physical and sporting activities again, including participating in Martial arts... Only when cold weather or rains are approaching, do symptoms reappear and I get a reminder in the knuckles. However this is nothing Rub On Relief cannot overcome. Very happy!"
By: Henri op den Buys, from Mexico