I would first like to take the time to start out by thanking God for directing my path to the HBI website. For the last couple of years I have been dealing with pain in both knees, to the point that I even went to the emergency room 2 years ago because my left leg swelled and the pain was unbearable. I had an ultra sound to rule out any blood clots. The end result was inflammation and arthritis. I definitely did not want to take prescription meds so I stayed off my feet and iced. I admit I took aspirin and did get some relief but I knew I could not stay on aspirin. I changed my diet and added turmeric 750 mg 2x a day.
I went for a follow up with my doctor and needless to say she was upset I went to the ER and told me to take another OTC twice a day. I couldn't believe she wanted me to take that. I will say she did have me take some connective tissue supplement that I did not see much results. The following year my right knee was hurting to the point I just didn't want to move because I was in so much pain. I decided I would go to the orthopedic doctor who did some laparoscopic surgery on that knee about 15 years ago. He took X rays and said its arthritis and wrote out a prescription. I took the script and tore it up. I iced and took aspirin. I started doing some research and I realized the pain I was having in my right knee was more like tendonitis. I went on youtube for hints on how to do some physical therapy. I did find some helpful techniques, in the mean time I used heating pads, all kinds of rubs, and just kept moving. I couldn't sit for any length of time before I just got stiff and it was hard to get moving to be sedentary.
I lead a very active life so every chance I would get to do research on Gods giving planet that provides for our needs with natural herbs I would be looking. I saw many herbs that I could use but I would have a counter pack of herbs and not knowing how to mix them together. I just prayed there was someone out there that God had given the talent to get it all in one capsule and low and behold during my research the product Heal and Soothe popped up. I read Jesses story and I had nothing to lose but pain if it worked, it was a money back guaranteed what have you got to lose. I received Heal and Soothe and I started taking it right away that night. I took 6 pills that 1st night and in the morning took 3 more. I did that for one more day and the results were remarkable. I have been feeling so good and I take 3 pills every morning when I wake up. I can truly say that Heal and Soothe has been a God send to me. I read the newsletters I get and it's great to see how many people want to live a potential drug free life. I'm not against medicine but I always look for alternatives. I tell everyone I know and meet that complains about pain that Heal and Soothe has helped me live a vibrant and active life. I have bought some other products such as the rub for those days I really push myself and to share it with others. I could go on and on but I will let you be the judge for yourself. Thank you Jesse for pursuing a natural way to health. PS: Just received my blood results and I was tested for inflammation, I am happy to report there are no signs of inflammation. My doctor said everything was spot on.
By: Gail Lopez