"Out of desperation, I took a chance that your product Heal-n-Soothe would help my 12 Year old German Shepherd dog Jack, who has been suffering with arthritis for about 5 years.
Despite my best efforts with 3 different prescription drugs for his arthritis pain, he was reaching the point where he was in pain all the time. He could not get up without help and I was using a harness to lift him up. He was also panting incessantly due to the pain.
The vet recommended that I start thinking about “putting him down” due to poor quality of life. That’s when I saw your ad on Facebook and I took your offer (1st bottle of Heal-n-Soothe free). I gave Jack 2 capsules 3 times the first day. He seemed to improve a bit, so did the same the next day. Again, a slight improvement. By the end of the third day, Jack was getting up on his own and walking with seemingly little if any pain. Within 5 days, all of his panting(due to pain) has ceased.
Unfortunately, I ran out of the Heal-n-Soothe capsules before the next bottle arrived. Within 48 hours, Jack was completely immobile and panting again.
Thankfully when the bottle arrived, I got him back on Heal-n-Soothe and within a short time he was completely pain free and mobile again. Jack now looks forward to his walks with enthusiasm! It is nothing short of a miracle, so I thought you might like to know this. Thank you, thank you, thank you! "
By: Frank Tomich and Jack the German Shepherd - W Union, WA