Noticeable reduction in pain...

"Hi Jesse, I am highly allergic to most foods, drinks, all dyes, most milk products and some fats. Therefore I was very cautious when I took your product, Heal-n-Soothe.  Started July 1st -  First: I did an allergy test: opened a capsule, and using the tip of my finger I wiped some on my lip and waited five minutes... no reaction. Second: with the tip of my finger I put some on the inside of my lip, waited five minutes... no reaction.  Third: using the tip of my finger I put some on the underside of my tongue, waited five minutes... some tingle but not enough to go on.  Fourth: recapped the capsule, took it with water. Waited 24 hrs... OK!  I am very stiff, cannot walk without holding on to furniture and walls. Knees buckle unrepentantly. Cannot bend my knees. All joints ache, fingers don't open easily.  Started July 5th - Took 3 capsules in the morning, 3 at bedtime. Continued until July 11th, week 2. Some minor upset stomach and burning (used Rolaid). July 12th - The start of week 3, I was surprised, noticeable reduction in pain. July 17th - I am able to walk the length of my hall without holding onto walls or furniture. I have very loose ligaments, no medicine for that; weight puts my legs back in alignment. Impressed, I sent the info to my brother in law, oldest daughter and youngest daughter who was diagnosed with thick blood. (Dr. told her to donate once a month)."
By: Elsie Ross