I have been in pain for about 3 years with Stenosis and referred pain into my hip and groin. I initially tried a one-month treatment of your Heal-n-Soothe enzyme formula three months ago with good results. I then compared that against a similar supplement (heavily advertised on AM radio). Both supplements had positive results. However, Heal-n-Soothe on my second one-month treatment was significantly better comparatively. I am now nearly pain-free while walking and have thoughts to run again. Relevant history - I'm a normally active and fit 59 year-old male with a history of lumbar spinal trauma secondary to falling from a tree when I was a teen. I severely shattered and compressed L3-5 which ultimately fused together. The injury healed over a long summer and for the most part, did not limit my activity level whatsoever until 3 years ago.
Problem - In my early 50's I started practicing Jui Jitsu, a martial art that at times requires flexibility. In general, this led to increased stress on my lower back, which possibly impinged nerves exiting the vertebrae in that specific traumatized area. Regardless, my hip began to feel arthritic to a level that made me think a replacement was in order. At the time, I refused to get x-rays, in effect not wanting to believe or confirm the joint had issues as no history of trauma.
I guess I was holding out hope that the issue was just nerve inflammation from the old injury which can create referred pain to the hip. Referred pain is a medical term describing symptoms, ie pain, that can be felt away from the actual source.
We are early in this story, so we will have to wait and see where it goes from here. However, I can say that since taking Heal-n-Soothe my hip is feeling fine and other generalized body joint inflammation and pain seem to be well under control.
By: Daniel Rubano, Ridgefield Washington