Thank you for spending so much time with me on the phone the other day. What a great service you provide for those of us struggling with chronic back pain. I could hear true concern and compassion in your voice.
As we discussed, chronic pain is one of the most debilitating things a person can encounter in his or her life. It can consume you and disrupts the ability to function at even minimal levels both physically and mentally and even emotionally as time passes.
I suffer with disc problems that has led to excruciating sciatic pain that at times has left me unable to walk or sit at all. Just laying still was unbearably painful. I have tried many modalities in an effort to "cure" this condition. What I have found is that the most helpful thing I can do is to consistently do the exercises that help with proper body alignment and muscle functioning that you have outlined in your Lose The Back Pain Program.
I look forward to the addition of the Heal-n-Soothe™ products to further help restore my health. I am sure it will be a great help in my recovery.
Thank you so much for your dedication to helping those who are in need. You have a great program that will benefit the many people who are truly at the end of their rope and feel they have no where else to turn for help.
~Carolyn Lowe
By: Carolyn Lowe