Jesse,Please note that I have written you to congratulate you on a superb program, one that afforded me not only relief from a flared attack of sciatica but insight to the biomechanics of back conditions in general and the way people continued to experience bout after bout of back pain without ameliorating resolution. I am an acupuncturist, trained at TAI in Columbia, MD. I have treated patients for back conditions with some success, but what I was doing I realized after your program, was reducing the spasms and some of the nagging emotional conflict that was being dynamically stored in their back muscles.
I wasn't allowing them to break free of the syndrome, just giving them time until the next event. Sometimes this was years. So it seemed all right. But it wasn't the patient-empowering experience that I sought. I would send them away with stretching exercises that would help, but not full loosen the overall imbalance. And I didn't realize how easily the imbalances can be corrected once the awareness of what-to and how-to-do are conscious. At least I understood that loosening the tight, and tightening the loose is necessary... I had that part right.
Many thanks to you again.Great program, the type of medicine I believe in with all my heart.
Click here to learn more about the product that was used to get lasting relief.
By: Bob Colgan