As you know, I have been taking heal and soothe for several months now and my joint pain has been gone for quite some time. I can now sleep good at night and turn from side to side. My flexibility has not fully improved and I cannot spread my legs any better unless I do lots of physical movements. I am nearly pain free. If for some reason I do get pain, I can easily increase my dose by one or two pills a day. I have been plagued with joint pain for many years and always thought I would end up with hip replacements... and here I am having to get the replacement. As you know this procedure requires several years of follow up with doctors to get in stream. Through this hip replacement process, my doctors could not understand why I was not in terrible pain... compared to other patients that cry a lot for not as bad joint condition! I have no doubt in my mind that my pain control is due to your heal and soothe pills and cream. -Thank you, Andre Thibert - Ontario Canada
By: Andre Thibert