Fran Burke, ON

I have sciatica, piriformis and inflammation of my knees and  I experienced the most pain at night. I have been taking Heal-n-Soothe and Super Joint Support for about 3 months.  For the first time in weeks, I tested how I was doing by skipping the salve for joints. I slept peacefully with no pain. I have been so pleased with … Read More

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Yvrose Pierre Louis, RN from New Jersey

Yes, Heal-n-Soothe is great and works for me very well! I have lower back pain, neck pain and arthritis. I have been in pain for a couple of years and it became worse after a car accident last year July 2020. I tried multiple procedures including injections in lumbar 2,3,4 and physical therapy, nothing worked. When I started … Read More

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Douglas Carter, NJ

"Hi, Just want to let you know that I take 12 Heal-n-Soothe capsules a day, 6 mid-morning and 6 at night before bed. I take all of them on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after eating. The results have been fantastic!  I had back surgery for arthritis, it was so bad between my L3 and L4 vertebrae that I could hardly wa … Read More

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Joe Dinelli, CA

"My girlfriend insisted we both take these Heal-n-Soothe enzymes every morning together. She has arthritis and scoliosis. I have emphysema and painful lung fibrosis and have been in pain for years. Be sure to wait an hour after taking Heal-n-Soothe before having any food as advised. I have been taking Heal-n-Soothe for 3 mon … Read More

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Steven Kaiser CA

"Mr. Cannone, This will be another great testimonial for Heal-n-Soothe. After researching the product online I decided to give it a try. At the time, my left knee hurt with every step I took. I was very concerned about losing my mobility. As an Industrial Electrician, I have to be mobile to earn a living. People at work noti … Read More

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Wendy Schnack, Iowa

"I have been in pain for about 10 years. I have arthritis and have had lower back pain since having my two children.  I know that along with aging can come the pain and discomfort of arthritis......but I never dreamed it could be so intense!! My energy levels were dropping and I just didn't want to go anywhere or do anything … Read More

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Vicki RN, NP, CO

"I have been in pain for 14 years with middle back pain. I have tried so many products that I have lost count. The pain started after my scoliosis corrective surgery in 2006. I am on long term prescriptive pain meds. I saw Heal-n-Soothe and thought why not give it a try as there was a money back guarantee.  Within 10 days I … Read More

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Philip Ellis,  Republic of Ireland

"I have been in pain for 25 years. I have Ulcerative Colitis which stems from Inflammation issues causing a form of arthritis. This was giving me huge pain and I could hardly move, but since I have taken these products Heal-n-Soothe and Rub On Relief, I am in a much better place. I tried those over the counter remedies with … Read More

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Elinor Grant, ID

"I have been in pain for years with Arthritis, stenosis, RA, knee failure and scoliosis. Many injuries and RA had caused me great pain, so I needed brace support and I spent lots of $$ on OTC and prescription meds. My spine and joints were continually painful and I took prescribed immune suppressants a couple of times, which … Read More

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Crispin Littlehales, CA

"I have experienced some level of back pain for two decades. From time to time, I've had terrible and constant back spasms lasting as long as two weeks. In February 2020, my back pain was so severe that I literally could not move. I was bedridden for three weeks, unable to find a comfortable position. Really, I wanted to die … Read More

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