Written By: September 26,2024
Dr Mark Wiley
Kalen Vavla
Dr. Thompson
Brandon Gray
Greg Crabtree
Dorothy Stevens
I nursed in the days of lifting and sustained back injuries. In the last 10+ years (I am 85) My upper and middle back muscles have weakened and I now have to pace carefully what activities - particularly involving arm movement - I do in a day If I overdo I am in pain often severely Initially a heat pack is effective then I n … Read More
Written By: November 8,2023
Mario Arreaga, CA

Hello! Im Mario Arreaga from Pasadena,Ca. I have neck pain (herniated discs) and lower back pain (Degenerative Disc Disease) and have been in pain for 40 years. I ordered a multiple bottle supply of Heal-n-Soothe to take a maximum dosage for the soonest results and have now been taking it for 2-3 months. Thankfully I’v … Read More
Written By: April 12,2022
Henri op den Buys, from Mexico

"I am Dutch, worked in construction and have had back problems for 25 years. I changed my direction, became a dive instructor and travelled the world, living my dream. The pains haven't ever left, but they were manageable and the warm climates helped too. That is until the effect of the pressure differences of diving (in tot … Read More
Written By: April 9,2019
Jean Hudson from Lexington, SC

"I have had lower back pain and neuropathy for years. Since I have been taking Heal-n-Soothe, Super Joint Support and Rub On Relief every day has seen more strengthening and less pain. As I say that, I'm still off balance and hold on to everything. However, my pain has gone from an 8 to a 3 and now I can walk without a walke … Read More
Written By: December 12,2018