By Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT
The Healthy Back Institute
Let me be very clear that despite what you may have been told, it is very possible to heal a herniated disc. Yes, I said heal… and without invasive surgery or years of physical therapy.
Why haven’t you heard this statement before? It’s simply because most doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists base their treatment on the diagnosis (i.e.,herniated disc), rather than on correcting the cause of the diagnosis (e.g., muscle imbalances).
Once you understand that something or some things have caused your disc to herniate, slip, bulge or otherwise become dysfunctional, you will be able to address that cause and choose alternative treatment options that will 1) correct the problem, 2) diminish the pain, and 3) prevent the disc from herniating again.
Click here to read the full article… and also listen to an informative audio seminar.