“The World’s Fastest Workout” according to Men’s Fitness Magazine!

The 4-Minute NO EXCUSE Workout That Blasts Away Every Ounce of Ugly Fat to Create the Hard, Sculpted Body You’ve Always Wanted!
Sound Too Good To Be True?
Let real men and women tell you what works for them… the amazing 4-minute workout that keeps them lean, buff, and energized!
Dear Frustrated Friend,
If you’ve always wanted a lean, sculpted and strong physique… but you don’t have time to be a “gym rat” (and don’t want to be one anyway!)… then I have the “can’t miss” solution for you.
I’m here to tell you about a breakthrough total body workout I’ve discovered that will build lean, buff muscles and leave you feeling great… in just four minutes a day!
If you can find 4 minutes to spare each day… You can have the body of your dreams!
Hi, my name is Jesse Cannone. I’ve been called one of America’s top fitness trainers because I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight and feel great since 1996 – without gimmicks, expensive health clubs, or dangerous drugs!
And for years I’ve been teaching people that you don’t have to do long and boring workouts… in fact, the opposite is true! Short and hard workouts have proven to be far more effective at shedding fat, building muscle and improving health and fitness.
I know everyone can achieve optimal health and fitness, because I’ve helped a cross section of America get fit. But…
- Like you, I’m sick of all of the health and fitness hype out there. I’m fed up with all the mis-information put out by the government, big drug companies and the rip-off artists.
- Like you, I just want the facts… I want to know what works and what doesn’t… and I want solutions that fit into my lifestyle, not the other way around.
- Like you, I don’t have time to spend endless hours in the gym… as a father of seven and business owner, I need short and fun workouts that deliver great results!
I’ve spent a lot of time digging thru all the crap that’s out there to get to the truth. And during my search, I’ve gotten to know and learn from some of the leading health and fitness experts in the world – people who are the “real deal.”
I get asked all the time, “Jesse, how can I lose weight and get in shape? I don’t have hours to work out every day!”
Well, after viewing literally hundreds of workout videos and DVDs over the years, I’ve found the answer. It not only works for fitness professionals like me, but it also works for “regular” people who want to get in shape and stay there.
It’s called the NO Excuse 4-minute workout! And it’s the best, most effective, fastest workout for regular men and women (and fitness professionals, too) I’ve ever seen or used.
Here’s The Workout Busy Moms, Dads, and Students Will Actually Do!
Everyone knows they should exercise. But even if they start an exercise program, most people won’t stick with it for three reasons:
- Exercise gets really boring, really quick
- Old-fashioned exercise takes way too much time
- You have to belong to an expensive gym
The NO EXCUSE 4-minute workout solves those problems…
- You spend just 4 minutes a day to start (12 minutes a day when you’re fully up to speed). NOT A MINUTE MORE. Everyone has four minutes!
- You don’t exercise long enough to get bored
- You don’t need special equipment
- You don’t need a gym
- You don’t need to pay for a personal trainer
- You can work out in front of your TV in just six feet of space
- You’ll actually see your body change – drop fat, build muscle, start getting that lean sculpted look — in the first week!
Better, Faster, FAR MORE EFFECTIVE than Bowflex™, ROM™, or Total Gym™
The “No Excuse” 4-Minute Bodyweight Workout DVDs – Train in the privacy of your own home or office.
Click here for your NO Excuse workout DVDs
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Do you have a treadmill, exercise bike, Total Gym™, Bowflex™ or other expensive equipment gathering dust or serving as a clothes hanger?
If you’re like a lot of people I know, you’ve spent hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars on equipment and seen little or no results.
Equipment alone won’t get you up and working out. And all of them require 20, 30, up to 60 minutes a day to get any results!
That’s just not practical if you have a job and kids.
The truth is, most of us need to have someone to show us what to do – the right way to exercise.
And it’s a whole lot easier when you have someone to work out with. (That’s why rich people hire personal trainers.)
But how many of us can pay $50, $75, even $100 an hour for a top trainer, plus expensive gym fees!
What if… you had a personal trainer who worked out with you every day for just 4 minutes a day –
What if… your trainer motivated you throughout the entire 4-minute workout, showing you proper form, and standing there side by side –
What if… you could train as much as you wanted, whenever you wanted, with a top personal trainer for less than the cost of one hour with a professional trainer… less even than a tank of gas? No expensive, ongoing gym fees or personal trainer fees!
What if… you could do all of this in front of your TV watching a simple DVD?
The Solution…Your Own Top-Notch, Personal Trainer And Revolutionary Workout… on DVD!
All of the “what if’s” are possible… with the NO Excuse 4 Minute Workout DVDs with Ryan Lee, one of the top trainers and physical fitness experts in the U.S.
(And it won’t cost you $100… or $75… or anywhere close to $50 for the 2-DVD set. More on that in a minute.)
On this breakthrough 2-DVD set, Ryan personally takes you through a selection of 10, 4-minute workouts that are:
- Easy – Start at any fitness level, from professional couch potato to professional athlete
- Blast off fat and build muscle in record time
- Leave you with more energy than ever before
- Fit into any schedule – even the busiest (like mine – think you’re busy, try having 7 kids and 2 businesses!)
- Require no expensive equipment or gym membership
Ryan’s 4-minute workout is simple, fast and blasts off fat and builds muscle instantly… so effective and quick it will seem like magic!
Best of all, every workout is just 4 minutes long!
The NO Excuse Workout is great for regular people and it’s popular with professional trainers, too, because it’s lightening quick.
Revealed: The Secret to Blasting Fat in Weeks, Not Months!
Here’s why it’s so quick: the key to melting fat and building muscle is not longer workouts — it’s the right combination of correct exercises, in short, intense bursts separated by short rests (interval training).
FACT: NO Excuses gives you a killer workout 81% faster than traditional exercise!
WHY NO Excuse is So Easy You’ll Stay With It
The NO Excuse Workout includes 2 DVDs each packed with 10 short, intense workouts.
Every workout is exactly 4 minutes long, broken down into 8 specific sets.
Each set lasts for 30 seconds – 20 seconds of intense exercise, and 10 seconds of rest. (Beginners start out with 10 seconds of exercise and 20 minutes of rest.)
Blast Fat, Build Muscle with 20 different, short, 4-minute workout rounds.
Ryan takes you through each workout in real-time. Just watch Ryan and do what he does – it’s that easy.
He’ll show you the right form and tell you why each workout is so effective. The DVD is even time-coded in the lower right hand corner of the screen so you know exactly how long you should exercise and rest.
NO Excuse DVD 1: 10 Dumbbell Workouts
When your work out with Ryan in the first DVD, you’ll use inexpensive dumbbells in 10 different muscle-pumping, fat stripping workouts. And, the great thing about Ryan’s method, you can stick with the first routine (Swing Crunch) and never do any other workout and see amazing results. Or, you can use all 10 workouts for maximum results.
Swing Crunch is a 4-minute routine anyone can do to get in shape fast. But there’s more… Ryan will also teach you the Snatch Squat; the Squat, Curl, Press Combo; the Press, Lunch, and Crunch; the Dumbbell Thruster and five more dynamic workouts – each exactly four minutes long, and each led by Ryan himself.
It’s like having Ryan personally working out with you!
As you get in better shape, each progressive workout is designed to challenge you more and increase your strength and fitness.
But – you could simply do Swing Crunches 4 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week, and in a couple of weeks, you’ll not only feel the difference… your friends and family will start seeing it, too!
In 4 Minutes a Day, You can Lose 2 Pounds of Fat A Week!
We’re not talking a diet here. We’re talking fat-blasting training that melts fat like a hot knife through butter.
Fact is, in the time it took you to read the last couple of pages, you could have lost .25 pound of FAT!
The 4-Minute NO Excuse Workout can ramp up your metabolism to burn up to 879 extra calories per day.
That’s the same calories as TWO McDonald’s Double Cheeseburgers a day!
That’s equal to a quarter pound of fat EVERY DAY.
Almost 2 pounds each and every week! In just 4 minutes a day!
What are you waiting for?
NO Excuse DVD 2 – 10 Bodyweight Training Workouts
This DVD is your anywhere… anyplace… anytime secret to uncovering the lean, sculpted body you’ve always wanted.
No equipment needed! Most of it is done on the ground – exercising all your major muscle groups in just 4 minutes! Pushup variations and pull-ups… and so much more, using just your body weight!
You’ll get 10 more 4-minute workouts – that’s a total of 20 workouts in the 2-DVD set!
Pop them in your DVD player and you won’t need 20 minutes (or 1-2 hours like some people spend) every day to get in shape. With this two-DVD set, you’ll…
- 1. Turn on your body’s natural fat burning furnace 24 hours a day…
- Spend just 4 minutes a day, 3x a week getting your dream body!
- Build lean, strong, sexy muscle!
- Turn your heart into a powerful aerobic machine…
- Amaze your friends since they know you haven’t spent hours in the gym…
- Feel and see genuine results within 7 days!
What Are You Waiting For?
- Imagine getting a full-body workout while you wait for your dinner to come out of the microwave.
- How about squeezing in a total body, fat burning workout during the commercial break of your favorite TV show! (You won’t even have to leave home or go to another room in your house.) 3. How about spending half of your coffee break or the first 4-minutes of lunch to get lean, buff, energized. 4. How about getting in an hour’s worth of exercise while you wait for your shower to get hot?
Better yet, imagine waking up 30 days from now and seeing muscles replacing your flab. Imagine running up a flight of stairs again – without feeling like you might pass out. Or how about kicking your kid’s (or grandkids) butt in a game of pickup basketball?
If you’re sick and tired of feeling tired and worn out all the time… washed up and frustrated because you can’t do the physical things you used to love, this is your chance to change…
…In just 4 minutes a day!
Don’t Take My Word for It… Find Out for Yourself, Risk-Free
It’s probably hard to believe you can do all this in just 4 minutes a day. After all, everything else out there – on TV, in magazines – says you have to work at LEAST 20 minutes, 3 times per week (using their $2,000 exercise machine, of course).
All I ask is that you give it a try – prove it to yourself. Your results are the only thing that matter.
So that’s why I’m offering you the NO Excuse Workout DVD’s risk-free for 90 days. Try it and prove it to yourself. If you will work out with Ryan 3x a week for just 4 minutes a day, I guarantee you will have measurable results. In fact, I guarantee you’ll feel the difference in 7 days… and in 90 days you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel, how much fat you’ve lost, and how much muscle is replacing the flab!
Click here for your NO Excuse workout DVDs
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
4 Minutes – 240 Seconds a Day – 3x a Week is All You Need to See Results… Guaranteed!
A Special Message for Couch Potatoes – These DVDs ARE for Everyone!
If you’re so out of shape you can barely tie your shoes or walk a block without getting winded, don’t pass up this chance to get your life back in just 4 minutes a day.
You see, the 4-minute workout is completely adjustable to any fitness level (or lack of fitness!).
Now, these workouts are NOT easy. They are NOT for wimps. If you want someone to tell you that you can get back in shape without sweating and working hard, watch the ads on late night TV.
You’ll only work out for 4 minutes at a time, they are 4 hard minutes. There will be days in the beginning when it will be hard to get through the full workout, even if you start out very slow.
You will be out of breath (which will help build lung capacity). You will push hard through the workout.
But that’s how you get tremendous results in just 4 minutes.
And, believe me, anyone CAN modify NO Excuse workouts (especially Ryan’s innovative dumbbell swing 4-minute routine).
That’s one of the main reasons I’m recommending NO Excuse workouts to my family, friends, clients, and anyone who wants to get back in shape.
Ryan does an excellent job of telling you how to modify the workouts to start at a level that’s perfect for you. In fact, you’ll only be working for 1 minute during the whole workout.
And here’s the interesting thing – after you get lean and fit and want more of a challenge, the EXACT SAME workout, with a couple of simple twists, will wear out an Iron Man (or Woman) Triathlete! So it’s a workout you can literally use at any level.
Plus, it’s easy.
Did I say easy? I mean REALLY easy. Just pop a NO Excuse DVD into your DVD player, hit play, and follow Ryan as he works out with you.
He shows you EXACTLY how to do the exercises, in real-time, like he was standing in your living room with you. He even tells you exactly how long to rest with a big “countdown” timer on your screen.
How to Save Over $14,587… PLUS
the Cost of Gym Membership!
It’s hard for some people to believe that you can get a complete, muscle-pumping, fat-burning workout that will turn you into Mr or Ms Universe in just 4 minutes. We’ve been handed so much baloney about needing to work out for hours every day to get results.
But a guy by the name of Alf Temme – inventor of the ROM exercise machine – has been proving how effective a 4-minute workout can be for over 20 years.
There’s only one thing – HIS workout costs almost FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!
That’s right – his ROM machine weighs a TON… and would fill up your entire living room or garage.
Yet — 97% of the people who try his exercise machine keep it because they see big changes in just 4 minutes a day!
Now, you can spend $15,000 if you want and build a room onto your house to hold it – or you can get the NO Excuse DVDs.
You won’t need a spare room for them, either. You can take them with you on business trips, on vacations. Ryan even shows you an exercise you can do in an airplane bathroom – no equipment necessary!
Best of all, wherever you are, use just 4 minutes a day, 3 days a week at home – and get the same results as a FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR ROM machine!
It’s up to you.
Some people obviously need to spend $15,000 to get them to focus on getting in shape. But before you spend enough money for a new car — click here to try the NO Excuse workouts risk free.
Try them for 90 days and you be the judge.
If you don’t think it’s an amazing workout and if you don’t see results after using it regularly each week, just give me a call or drop an email. I’ll refund your purchase price, no questions asked.
What are you waiting for?
You risk nothing – try NO Excuse for 90 Days and if you don’t see results from your 4-minute workouts (just 3 days a week!), I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.
Click here for your NO Excuse workout DVDs
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
How Much Are Strong Abs and Good Health Worth to You?
If you belong to a gym (that you probably never go to), you know that monthly fees cost anywhere from $40 to hundreds of dollars a month.
If you’ve ever hired a personal trainer (or just looked into it), you know it’s anywhere from $25 – $100 or more for an hour session that you have to drive to and from. Call it a 90-minute time investment PLUS at least $25 – $100 for the trainer. And top trainers routinely command $100 or more an hour (if you wanted to hire me it’ll cost you $1,000 for an hour).
Frankly, if a DVD (or any information product) helps you achieve your goals, it’s probably worth any price. And we both know that health is priceless. If you don’t have good health, you don’t have anything. And the NO Excuse workout system is one of the fastest, best ways I know to improve your health.
But – both Ryan and I want these DVDs to get into the hands of as many people as possible. They’re powerful and they can transform your life.
So I talked to Ryan and he generously has agreed to let me sell a limited number of NO Excuse DVDs for just $39 per set, plus shipping and handling.(Shipping Fee Inside US $6/Outside US $12) That’s a $20 discount off of the regular $59 price.
But, there is a catch…
This offer is only good for the first 200 79 people and once this first batch is gone, the price is going up to $59 plus shipping.
And remember –
- You pay $39 ONCE – no recurring fees.
- Use these DVDs over and over again – it’s like having Ryan train you as often as you want for FREE
- Your satisfaction is absolutely, personally guaranteed by me. If you aren’t happy with these DVDs, let me know within 90 days and I’ll refund your purchase price (less shipping and handling).
Please, don’t wait any longer. If you’ve read this far…
- you want your body back
- you want good health
- you want to lose weight
- you want a lean, buff body that’s fun to be in!
- you want to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend… get your spouse noticing you again… blow away your friends and co-workers!
That strong, lean and sexy body is well within your ability to achieve. The NO Excuse System will take you by the hand and, 4-minutes a day, show you how.
Order your risk-free copy of the NO Excuse workout right now.
Yours for a lean, fit body – faster!

Jesse Cannone
P.S. – You can use the NO Excuse 4-Minute Workout DVDs for 90 days risk-free. You’re protected by my personal, iron-clad 100% super-guarantee! ORDER NOW!
Who is Ryan Lee and why does it matter to you?
Ryan Lee is the founder of Personal Trainer University and recognized as the fitness industry’s most innovative marketer. He is also the founder of SportSpecific.com and has trained over 10,000 men and women in person, in workshops, and online in the last 12 years.
Ryan is a frequent lecturer and recently he has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Athletic Business, Personal Fitness Professional and the Moneyroom Radio Show.
He is the creator of NO Excuse fitness DVDs, The Breakthrough Get Healthy and Fit 4-Minute Workout DVDs that can get you fit and lean in just 4 minutes a day, just 3 days a week!
Click here for your NO Excuse workout DVDs
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Or Call 1-888-343-3488 Now To Order By Phone 24 Hours a Day
…with my personal 100% money-back guarantee!
Updated: June 24,2011