It's been about 3 months since I've been taking The Healthy Back Institute's Heal-n-Soothe supplements that helped heal my arthritis and sciatica pain. I finally have the time to send this testimony.
My problem started in the first week of December 2022 after working out at the gym, after not going for several months. The next morning I felt pain in my lower back and left hip area. I used to go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week, but I was very busy trying to start up a business and driving Uber for about 40 hours a week.
I figured I strained a muscle or joint and the pain would go away after a few days as it usually did. After a few weeks and Christmas and New Year 2023 rolled by, the pain did not go away. I felt it while sitting for a while, and getting in and out of my car, and chair, but it was manageable. I noticed the pain eased up after walking for a while, so I thought I just needed more exercise.
By the end of January 2023 I became concerned the pain was not going away so I made an appointment with my doctor. He prescribed painkillers, an X-ray and an MRI. My doctor tells me the cartilage in both my hips were worn down and I had Osteoarthritis! I couldn't believe what he was saying but I stayed calm and asked if there was a way to cure or reverse it. He basically said there was no way to reverse or cure arthritis, at least it was not easy to do, and I had to go to physical therapy and hope for the best.
I had just turned 48 years old and was not ready to have arthritis and be limping like an old man. I had been traveling overseas from cities and historically significant regions in Ethiopia just a year ago from 2019 to 2022 with no problems or pains, and now all of a sudden I had arthritis pains? I did not want to accept this bad news.
By mid-February my doctor prescribed 4 different meds for the pain but most of them gave temporary relief, then the pain got worse as the days went by. It came to the point I could not even sit on a soft couch for five minutes without feeling like my whole left thigh was burning with pain. Lying on my stomach gave me a little bit of relief. Standing up felt like a tingling down my whole left hip to my left foot. For the first time I heard the word "Sciatica".
The pain got so bad I did not leave my room and bed for a whole week. I could not sit in my car to drive. I could not sit at my computer, surf the internet or update my resume and online portfolio, to search for a new job. The only thing I could do was pray and ask friends to pray for a miracle. Whether supernatural healing or natural healing I was desperate for it.
Finally, at the end of February I noticed YouTube ads from Healthy Back Institute with Dr Brian Paris declaring that there is relief for aching joints and about fibrins in our body from the toxins in the environment that cause the breakdown of the cartilages in our joints.
He said there was a 30 day money back guarantee with the free bottle of Heal-n-Soothe, so I had nothing to lose. I ordered Heal-n- Soothe and Super Joint Support. When I got the Heal-n-Soothe in March 2023, I did not understand I needed to take 3 capsules about 3 times a day, instead I took one before each meal, 3 times a day. I was not taking enough for 3 days, then I read the instructions and saw I can take as many as 6 capsules 3 times a day for a couple of days since my pain was severe.
By the end of the first week I noticed the pain was going away gradually and flexibility was coming back on my hip and leg. I noticed the fibrins coming out of my body when I went to the toilet.
By the end of the second week I was able to sit for extended hours, walk without limping and bend down to put on my socks and shoes. My prayers were answered and I received healing by natural supplements in Healthy Back Institute supplements. If I had not discovered your ads and responded I think I would be crippled by now and walking with a cane or something.
I continue to take Heal-n-Soothe 3 capsules once or twice a day and the Super Joint Support 2 capsules with every meal to keep my joints smooth and rebuild my cartilage. I also added the My Daily Collagen to my subscription and Natural Cleanse which works to ease my heartburn. Thank you guys so much at HBI for producing these supplements! They literally saved my joints and maybe my life. Thank you!
By: Jerome M. G. Maryland