"I wish to compliment and congratulate Jesse Cannone on his brainchild: Super Joint Support. This will undoubtedly be a winner for him. Aside from the all-important cartilage building properties, essential for our joints, they have also added White Willow Bark Extract. This as I understand it, gives this formula the edge with its anti-inflammatory qualities likening it to the effects of aspirin and resulting in pain relief.
I am on my second bottle of Super Joint Support for the rebuilding of cartilage. Already I have felt a number of times a new kind of sensation in my knees that makes me think something good IS happening within both my knees. A precursor perhaps of more good things to come. I will most certainly continue with it.
As I happen to be a Believer, I view this product as something that will give my old joints a "leg-up" as the saying goes. I am 82 years old and my poor joints can surely do with a bit of help to keep them going longer. Hence, I don't expect to be able to pass judgement on the performance of this supplement. Ultrasounds would tell you more. I would say though, that the virtue of Super Joint Support should be strongly impressed upon people of all ages.
Jesse, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I was rendered speechless when ordering my second copy of your book. When the young lady read back to me the order I had placed with her .......Book: "The End of All Disease" the Bible. It took my breath away. I am so very pleased and honoured. And yes, you are so right in pointing out that the answer for all of us is there on Page 12 of your book. I am ashamed to admit that I fall into category 1. EXCESS. That is why my body now is in such a mess. But as the saying goes ...."it's never too late". I am turning that around, for I will live from now on by your End Of All Diseases book. Kindest regard,"
By: Joanne Cochrane from Australia