The 46-Year-Old Who Got His Weight Below 200 lbs. ... For The First Time In Over 25 Years!

I made minimal changes to my diet in the first 6 weeks. I wasn't counting calories or restricting myself, just avoiding foods I knew were bad for me. And I wasn’t vigorously exercising. (L-A-Z-Y!) But I'll be darned if the weight didn’t just start falling off. (Despite my lackluster effort.) And while the results weren’t super dramatic on the scale – I was dropping PANT SIZES! Fast...!!! I quickly recognized that, I was replacing my FAT with LEAN MUSCLE, which weighs more than the fat. So the scale wasn't telling the entire story. But wow – my overall body shape was changing. I was looking slimmer and trimmer... (‘Yummy’ – as my wife told me, ha ha.) Anyway, I did a really TERRIBLE job of tracking my results in the first 2 months. (Like I said, early on, I wasn't that motivated.) But somewhere around the 8 week mark... I got EXCITED by the results I was seeing. And I made a couple of simple changes to my lifestyle – making healthier food choices, and doing Jujitsu twice per week (for 2 hours each session). So now...? I'm down to 187 lbs. A full 25 lbs. of fat – whoosh – gone! Though, I’ve probably lost even more fat than that because I’ve been gaining lean muscle the entire time. I really should have measured my percentage body fat before I started. But anyway, this new after picture of me was taken after 4 months of supplementation with ThinMist. And as you can see, I'm looking better than I have in YEARS! Plus, I think what's really interesting is how much better I feel. I'm sleeping better... I'm not getting crazy carb or sugar cravings... My energy levels are WAY up... And I'm feeling motivated to continue maintaining these simple lifestyle changes. Honestly, I can't believe how easy this weight loss has been. And I can only imagine how much BETTER ThinMist could work for someone who has more weight to lose than I did... Or, who is more motivated to eat healthy and exercise 3-4 times per week instead of just 2 times like me. At 46 years of age, this is the best I’ve ever looked and felt. I’m happy with where I'm at.   ~ Steve Hefferon
By: Steve Hefferon