I came down with Sciatica in early January 2006, which my doctor diagnosed. He sent me to a physio and put me on muscle relaxants, neither of one made any improvement. I searched the Internet for more information and found your web page and liked your approach. When I received your program I also liked the way you have to identify the problem and then treat it. Some of the exercises were the same as the Physio gave me but most were not and I was confident they would all work together to rid me of that terrible agony. In the fall of 2005 I had booked a ski trip to Aspen for the last week of March and was reluctant to cancel it although in January I knew it would be impossible. By the first of February I was feeling some improvement and put the skis on mid February and was absolutely astounded that I could ski without any pain. I was able to go to Aspen and enjoyed a great week of skiing. I still have some numbness in my foot that my doctor tells me is nerve damage but should go away in time. I hope will never experience that pain again, but if I do, I will know exactly where to go for help. Click here to learn more about the product was used to get lasting relief.
By: Tom Hartt